STARTER KIT for the mk murder case



In 2007 a horrible crime was committed in the beautiful Italian university town of Perugia. 21-year old British exchange student Meredith Kercher was murdered brutally the night of November 1st and found dead the next day on her bedroom floor. Since then the question of who committed the crime is the subject of many debates.

You are interested in what this case is about, what exactly happened and who was involved in the whole incident? At the same time you may be overwhelmed and confused by the abundance of information available? You feel like you need to have a profound knowledge already to understand what you read online? Then this site will guide you through the most important facts in this case.

I am your starter kit.

I will help you understand the details of the case including who was or was allegedly involved in the crime, the trials and appeals. More importantly, you will find the answers to most frequently asked questions (that you might already have asked yourself). You will also have the opportunity to ask your own questions and receive a fair and respectful reply.

Since this website is supposed to be a source for everyone who is interested in getting to know the basics and a brief overview of this case, you will not find the most specific explanations regarding the smallest aspects. Those who are keen to learn more about the case will find links to websites, articles and books about this topic in the category ‘further information’.

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I hope you will find everything you were looking for. If you have any comments or suggestions for improvement please send an E-Mail to